
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lost and no where to be found

Two weeks ago I took out a dvd for Crazy Love. A series my small group is studying. I put it in my playstation and discovering that it didn't play. Or I think that's what it was...its been another week or so and now I can't quite remember the events properly. I think i ended up setting it down ..or maybe not.
Anyways. Here I am. Scouring my house for it now. 
It amazing when you've lost something of value how you will search relentlessly for it. I have checked under every piece of furniture on the first floor, including the appliances! I have found toys that have been lost for quite a while but no dvd. 
I even gave way to the thought that maybe my kids had stuck it under the rug and pulled that up to check. Pulled stuff out of cuboards they have access to and as I look my house is slowly getting cleaner. 
So now I'm done this floor. With no idea where it could be. 
The last time I had dvd's missing they had actually still been in the player. My kids would pick up the player and turn it over and the dvd would fall inside of it. I found 3 veggie tales in there! But that player is long gone now.
Part of me worries...did they put it in the garbage? I hope not.

The bible talks about a woman who lost some money in her home so she looked all over with persistance until she found it. Another story tells of a man who found a gem in a field and went home and sold everything he had and then bought the field. 

It goes to show that when we lose something of value, to what great lengths we'll go to find it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Made in Heaven. Sustained by God

I heard this song I think it was talking about how we are to do everything to God's glory. I've been learning more about what God's glory IS and just how that effects my life personally.

In my head giving glory to God represents recognizing both out loud and in our being that everything we have came from Him. He has made and sustains me. I am unable to live apart from Him. He alone makes my heart beat each day and my morning coffee brew to its fullest!. For all of that immenseness I am designed to turn to God and say....Thank you. That - is glory. Recognizing...its not me..its Him. (and letting others know that too...out our native tongue..)

So here I am. Frustrated at having two boys who are crawling on everything and drooling everywhere and we are unable to get out because their nap times are synchronized to be one after the other instead of together. I can't go to our home church because they cry  and wail and break my heart that they dislike it there. I don't dare do groceries anymore with both of them! And my home is a disaster zone. Company be advised!

So glory to God in the highest from a home of crazy mom and kids.?/......

In attempts of this I did two things only today. I washed my cuboards and railing of dust and ceiling fans of dust. Fed us all. Then sat down on the carpet and played with them.

Just played. Hows that for glory. Oh yeah. Thank you God for kids! now I'm going to actually ENJOY having my kids!! I'm going to zoom cars around and break up "mine" arguments. I will hug and kiss and cuddle and dance with and roll around with.

Because..Thank you. You sustain me God. And you sustain my relationship with my boys too.