
Monday, September 5, 2011

Two kids packed, two grown ups good to go. We headed out on the road for our two hour drive to a family shin dig.
I love and hate road trips. They consist of massive packing and the hope that our children will sleep on the way. Mostly they are good and just watch out the windows. We've got better at knowing to be on the ball with road trip food,snacks,drinks and meal times. This makes it all easier.
We arrive and I am no longer a primary care giver. My youngest is wisked away and my oldest plays in the dirt till he looks like "pig pen" from Charlie Brown.
The day's filled with food, laughter, model plane show and water ballons. And my oldest who hates the local water park get willingly hosed down by his cousin.
With baths and ice cream and finally some lolli pops we all pack back into the vehicle with the hope that they'll be asleep in a short time. Smiles and hugs all around.
And quiet....most of the way home. :)

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